Thursday, May 29, 2008

Apocalypse Now: On Turning 30 (in a year and 2 months)

One of the things I learned is you actually have to write more than once a year if you want people to read your blog, and it doesn't even need to be that long! So I am going to write something concise, well, concise for me, which is a novella to anyone else.

Shall we begin?

I am turning 30 in one year, 2 months, and 10 days. I am freaking out about this to no end. I have one more Christmas to celebrate in my 20s. One more Super Bowl to watch in my 20s. And not even a good year of being in your 20s. I wish it could go 26, 28, 29, 27, and then 30. But nope, for my final St. Patrick's Day in my third decade, I'll be 29. Eek.

I was talking to one of my engaged male friends who happens to be 26. His fiancee is my age and she's freaking out too about turning 30. Now, this girl has a ring on her finger and she's a doctor. She probably has sex on a regular basis and gets to take cabs everywhere. And she's freaking out???

I felt so much better! See, even people who seemingly have their shat together are losing it too!

That's all for now!

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